StaffGiovanna Caderni



+39 055275 8306


Caderni Giovanna

Associate scientist


1985-1987: Post-doctoral fellow at the “Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research” in Toronto, Canada. Director: Dr. W.R.Bruce

1983-1990: CNR Research Fellow working at the Department of Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacology of the University of Florence, Italy.

1979: Master Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Florence, Italy

Professional experience

2002 – Present: Associate Professor in Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSD BIO14) at the University of Florence, School of Human Health Sciences. She received grants from the European Community (“Synbiotics and Cancer Prevention in Humans “(QLRT -1999-00346);and, more recently, fro the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund to projects on preneoplastic lesions in colon carcinogenesis and on the relationship between carcinogenesis and inflammation. At present, her research is financed by an EC-MIUR “HDHL-INTMIC (Interrelation of the INtesTInal MICrobiome, Diet and Health) project focused on “Faecal microbiome as determinant of the effect of diet on colorectal-cancer risk: comparison of meat based versus pesco-vegetarian diets”.

2000-2002: Assistant Professor (Pharamcology and Toxicology) at the University of Florence, Faculty of Pharmacy.

1990-2000: Technical Research Fellow at the Department of Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacology of the University of Florence, Italy.

Research interests

  • Genotoxicity of food-born compounds, effect of dietary variation on colon carcinogenesis in experimental animals and humans. Preneoplastic lesions in colon; identification and characterization of preneoplastic lesions (Mucin Depleted Foci:  MDF) in experimental models and humans at risk.
  • Chemoprevention of colon carcinogenesis. Member of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) working group on the carcinogenic activity of red and processed meat. Editor (carcinogenesis section) of the European Journal of Nutrition.

Projects in progress

Projects completed


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