StaffStefano Santabarbara




Research area

Santabarbara Stefano

Senior Researcher


1999-2002: PhD student in Plant Biology, University of Milan, Italy. Supervisor: Prof. Robert. C. Jennings. Thesis: “The role of singlet and triplet excited state population on photoinactivation, studied in vitro and in vivo.”

1994-1998: Laurea in Biological Sciences, University of Milan, Italy. Mark: 110/110. Supervisor: Prof. Robert. C. Jennings. Experimental thesis: “The relation between the excited state population in Photosystem II antenna and photoinhibition in isolated spinach thylakoids”

Professional experience

2022 – Present. Senior Researcher at Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Milan, Italy.

2021 –2022: Senior Researcher at Institute of Biophysics, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Milan, Italy.

2012 – Present: Group Leader/Coordinator of Photosynthetic Research Unit.

2010 – 2020: Researcher at Institute of Biophysics, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Milan, Italy.

2009 – 2010: Post-doctoral Researcher at Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. Principal Topics of Investigation: Ultrafast conformational changes in model peptides. Development of the application of bi-dimensional infra-red femtosecond absorption transfer in combination with fast (picosecond), triggerable, pH-jumps.

2007 – 2008: Senior post-doctoral Researcher at Department of Chemistry, Arizona State University, USA, and Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, , Paris, France (continuing from University of Alabama). Principal Topics of Investigation: Directionality of electron transfer in Type I photosystems. Application of rapid (ns) UV-VIS spectroscopy to monitor photosynthetic electron transfer in whole algal cells. Development of special pulse sequences to study the effect of meta-stable intermediates in the reactions.

2003 – 2007: Post-doctoral Researcher at Department of Biology, University College, London & School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, London, United Kingdom. Principal Topics of Investigation: Directionality of electron transfer in Type I photosystems. Application of light-induced pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance techniques (out-of-phase ESEEM & ENDOR) to the study of photosynthetic electron transfer in intact systems.

2001 – 2003: Post-doctoral Researcher at School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom. Principal Topics of Investigation: Quinone exchange in the Cytochrome bo3 complex, studied by continuous-wave and pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR)

Research interests

  • Biochemistry, biophysics and physiology of the light dependent reactions of oxygenic photosynthesis, through the application of spectroscopic and spectro-physiological methods (including methods development).
  • Mechanisms of protein-mediated tuning of cofactors properties, tuning of light-harvesting capacity in antenna systems and redox reactivity in reaction centres.
  • Mechanisms of adaptation to deep-shading environmental conditions: tuning of light harvesting, reaction centres energetics and remodelling of photosynthetic apparatus involving the biosynthesis of low-energy Chl molecules.
  • Mechanisms of primary photochemical reactions and electron transfer in Photosystem I.
  • Biotechnological applications of microalghe (green algae and cyanobacteria).

Projects in progress

Enhancing Photosynthesis
Start date: 30/11/2021   End date: 30/09/2024

Regione Lombardia

Milano   Website

Stefano Santabarbara

Project duration:
30/11/2021 - 30/09/2024
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Stefano Santabarbara
Project website:

Enhancing Photosynthesis

La fotosintesi è il processo mediante il quale la luce solare è convertita in potenziale chimico, utilizzabile dagli organismi, e rappresenta pertantp il sito primario si produzione energetica nella biosfera. In condizioni ottimali le relazioni di foto-conversione procedono con una resa quantica estremamente elevata (80-99%). Lo studio di questi sistemi biologici può quindi rappresentate un paradigma utile per l’implementazione di materiali e strategie che li imitino per applicazioni fotovoltaiche e fotocatalitiche. D’altro canto, in condizioni naturali, a causa di variabilità e fluttuazioni ambientali, la resa fotosintetica è generalmente più bassa di quella ottimale e questo può portare a una riduzione della produttività, soprattutto per quanto riguarda le colture agricole. Pertanto, lo studio dei processi, come la raccolta della luce e il controllo dell’efficienza di raccolta, potrebbe portare ad un miglioramento della produttività delle colture ed essere quindi vantaggioso dal punto di vista sociale.

Il progetto “Enhancing Photosintesi” si propone di affrontare alcuni di questi aspetti, studiando sia i fattori che influenzano la produttività delle colture/piante, sia i loro meccanismi molecolari, sia i meccanismi fondamentali di conversione dei fotoni nei fotosistemi con l’obiettivo di trasferire alcune delle loro caratteristiche in sistemi biomimetici artificiali.

Il progetto prevede inoltre lo sviluppo di una piattaforma spettroscopica (ottica) per lo studio dei processi fotosintetici sia in(super)complessi clorofilla-proteina isolati, sia in sistemi fotosintetici intatti così come in sistemi sintetici artificiali (anche allo stato solido). La strumentazione coprirà oltre ad un ampio intervallo temporale (dai femto ai millisecondi) anche una ambia banda spettrale (dal vicino UV al vicino IR). Questa piattaforma sarà basata sia su strumentazioni già esistenti presso il CNR Milano e al PoliMI,  le cui caratteristiche saranno sostanzialmente estese/implementate per renderle adatte allo studio di campioni molto diversificati e complicati da studiare a causa dell’elevata dispersione della luce che presentano. E’ fine del progetto rendere questo “hub” spettroscopico aperto che rappresenti una struttura di duratura che possa aggregare e promuovere la ricerca in fotosintesi, e su argomenti strettamente correlati, a livello regionale e possibilmente nazionale.

DYE ART- In vivo incorporation of organic DYE to ARTificially enhance photosynthetic efficiency in green algae and cyanobacteria
Start date: 30/11/2023   End date: 29/11/2025

PRIN 2022 PNRR- Finanziato MUR e Next Generation EU

Barbara Menin

Project duration:
30/11/2023 - 29/11/2025
Financing body:
PRIN 2022 PNRR- Finanziato MUR e Next Generation EU
Project research leader:
Barbara Menin

DYE ART- In vivo incorporation of organic DYE to ARTificially enhance photosynthetic efficiency in green algae and cyanobacteria

Grazie a una maggiore efficienza di fissazione dell’anidride carbonica rispetto alle piante terrestri, le microalghe possono svolgere un ruolo fondamentale nella futura economia a basse emissioni di carbonio e il loro potenziale ha suscitato un crescente interesse da parte del mondo accademico e dell’industria per lo sviluppo di tecnologie di cattura e utilizzo della CO2.

DYE ART mira alla sperimentazione di una nuova e promettente tecnologia basata su coloranti sintetici che agiscono come sistemi antenna artificiali per migliorare l’efficienza fotosintetica di alghe verdi e cianobatteri. L’obiettivo è quello di superare le attuali limitazioni della crescita autotrofa delle microalghe nei fotobioreattori, per rendere sostenibili i processi biotecnologici basati sulle microalghe, riducendo l’impronta di carbonio e aumentando la produttività complessiva.

DYE ART integra competenze multidisciplinari all’avanguardia nel campo della biologia, della biotecnologia e della fotonica. Il progetto si propone di caratterizzare, verificare e convalidare l’approccio delle antenne artificiali in due gruppi di microalghe – alghe verdi e cianobatteri – entrambi di importanza fondamentale per lo sviluppo di un’ampia gamma di processi biotecnologici e caratterizzati da una diversa configurazione dei complessi pigmento-proteina che raccolgono la luce.

Projects completed

CYAO-CYAnobacteria platform Optimised for bioproduction
Start date: 01/04/2017   End date: 31/03/2021

Fondazione Cariplo

Milano   Website

Anna Paola Casazza

Project duration:
01/04/2017 - 31/03/2021
Financing body:
Fondazione Cariplo
Project research leader:
Anna Paola Casazza
Project website:

CYAO-CYAnobacteria platform Optimised for bioproduction

The development of economically and environmentally sustainable strategies for the production of renewable fuels and chemical supplies is perceived as one of the most burning issues in modern society. In particular, the generation of bioproducts from renewable sources having high associated quality value is a core task of bioeconomy. The principal aims of the CYAO project are:

– the development of cyanobacterial strains having improved growth yield and biomass accumulation by the engineering of their light-harvesting capacity;

– the development of cyanobacterial strains producing and accumulating high levels of the antioxidant carotenoid astaxanthin (Asx);

– the evaluation of the feasibility of rainbow trout aquaculture in which the bioproduct Asx, extracted from the engineered cyanobacterial strains, is used as feed supplement.


Development of a structural biology platform as part of the IBISBA European research infrastructure network
Start date: 01/01/2022   End date: 30/04/2024


Pietro Roversi

Project duration:
01/01/2022 - 30/04/2024
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Pietro Roversi

Development of a structural biology platform as part of the IBISBA European research infrastructure network

Protein function can be understood through protein structure. The structure of a protein can inform the design of modifications resulting in increase or reduction of activity, depending on the desired goal. The service we are developing is a structure determination pipeline (from gene to protein structure). The design of synthetic proteins needs both validation by structure determination and it need to be inspired by structures of the proteins – either the ones to be modified or the products of the initial stages of design.  The user will provide either the gene encoding the protein of interest, or vector/expression system and purification protocol for producing it recombinantly, or purified protein.  The service will provide either of the following deliverables:

  • Crystal structure.
  • Cryo-EM structure (for targets with Molecular Weight MW greater than 200 kDa).
sPATIALS3 - Improvement of agrifood productions and innovative technologies for a safer and more secure and sustainable nutrition
Start date: 01/02/2020   End date: 31/10/2022

Regione Lombardia

Milano, Lodi   Website

Francesca Sparvoli

Project duration:
01/02/2020 - 31/10/2022
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Francesca Sparvoli
Milano, Lodi
Project website:

sPATIALS3 - Improvement of agrifood productions and innovative technologies for a safer and more secure and sustainable nutrition

sPATIALS3 is a technological and research hub involving 12 CNR Institutes belonging to 4 different Departments and 4 companies. Main objectives will be: obtainment of innovative food products improved for their nutritional and functional properties; provision and implementation of precision technologies to guarantee products quality, safety and traceability; development of innovative and eco-sustainable smart– and active-packaging to minimize and reuse wastes, where possible, and to increase food preservability; provision to consumers and producers of tools for results exploitation.


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