On February 4th at the research area of CNR in Milan, via Corti 12, will be held the conference for the presentation of the sPATIALS3 project.
Led by the National Research Council with the participation of 12 Institutes, the partnership of 4 companies in the food and packaging sector (FlaNat, Mirtilla Bio, Ecozinder, Corapack) and 4 clinical centers, the project is among the 33 winners of the Call Hub “Call for strategic research, development and innovation projects aimed at strengthening the Lombard ecosystems of research and innovation as hubs of international value”. The latter has been activated as part of POR FESR 2014-2020 of Regione Lombardia – Axis 1: Research, Development and Innovation.
sPATIALS3, thanks to the realization of an integrated and multidisciplinary HUB, aims at the improvement of agro-food production and the creation of innovative technologies for a healthier, safer and more sustainable diet. sPATIALS3 HUB tackles the increasingly topical issues related to nutrition, welfare and health of the citizen and responds to the new needs of the supply chain in terms of quality, safety and sustainability of food. In order to do that, it uses a holistic approach involving all stakeholders in the process with the aim of providing innovative solutions for companies and consumers.
On February 4th, starting at 10.00 am, with two round tables that will directly involve stakeholders and partners, a morning of work will start during which the project will be illustrated in its great innovation at all levels and its impact on the territory.
Participation is free, upon registration at the following link http://cluster.techforlife.it/progetto-spatials3/.