The IBBA CNR celebrates the Fascination of Plants Day 2024

15 October 2024

Also this year, in the month of May, the seventh edition of the “Fascination of Plants Day” FoPD 2024.

This is an international initiative launched by EPSO (European Plant Science Organization) with the aim of presenting the beauty of the plant world to the general public, underlining the importance of plants for society and improving the visibility of the scientific research carried out in the plant field.

Universities, research institutes, botanical gardens, parks, schools and academies, companies, museums and other entities have contributed by organizing various initiatives such as guided tours, workshops, exhibitions, extraordinary openings and conferences.

Like every year, the CNR participated with various heterogeneous events organized throughout the national territory. And it is precisely in this context that the 3 days of activities organized by the Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA) take place.

On 16, 23 and 24 October the IBBA CNR celebrates the International Fascination of Plants Day with initiatives aimed at adults and school students.

We start on October 16th with the educational activity “It’s time for chestnuts: come with us to discover the biodiversity of the chestnut” at the A. Vivaldi School in Bovezzo (BS).

It then continues on the 23rd and 24th in Milan, at the Research Area in via Corti 12, with informative seminars on topics of great interest

  • “As good as bread”: scientific research for safer foods
  • Biodiversity in the chestnut tree: I see and I don’t see…
  • How much water do you eat? The water footprint of our diet

And with the educational exhibition “From ancient grains to biotechnology: a short journey through 10,000 years of evolution of cultivated plants”.

To find out more, download the program and the attached poster complete with all the activities organized by the CNR IBBA.


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