SAVE THE DATE: November 18 Kick off meeting CASTADIVA project, Biodiversity and multifunctionality of the chestnut tree. “Enhancement of genetic resources for the development of Lombardy sub mountain areas”.

5 November 2021

On November 18, 2021 in Sala Convegni of CNR, via Corti 12, Milan, from 9.00 to 12.30 there will be a conference to present the “CASTADIVA project, Biodiversity and multifunctionality of the chestnut tree. Enhancement of genetic resources for the development of Lombardy sub mountain areas”.

The research project, financed by the Lombardy Region in the frame of “PSR 2014-2020 Operazione 10.2.01 – Conservation of animal and plant biodiversity”, aims to study the genetic, morphological, biochemical and metabolic variability of chestnut populations growing in two geographical areas, in the province of Varese and Brescia.

CASTADIVA supports chestnut cultivation in Lombardy as an opportunity both from an economic and biological point of view.

The participation to the event is free after registration at this link.

It is possible to participate to the Kick off meeting also remotely through telematics platform by connecting to this link.


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