SAVE THE DATE: 27.01.21 Webinar BOBCAT

7 January 2021

Objective of the webinar is to promote and provide the preliminary results of the BOBCAt project. The BOBCAt project, funded by Cariplo Foundation, has as partners the National Research Council with IBBA and IBBR institutes, the Federico II University of Naples and the Italbiotec consortium.

Cardoon is an oil crop cultivated in dry or marginal lands and is characterized by high yields of oils with a good fatty acids profile and an elevated lignocellulosic biomass production, rich in bioactive compounds that can be reused for the production of cosmetics, food supplements and bioplastics. Furthermore, its cultivation is highly sustainable and with low energy impact, however cardoon biomass’ availability is seasonal. Hence, cellular cultures represent a valuable alternative to field cultivation, since they are standardized and independent from seasonality.

In this context, BOBCAt proposes a biorefinery model which uses agri-food supply chain by-products as energetic source for cardoon cellular culture to optimize its growth in sustainable conditions and in line whit the principles of Circular Economy. BOBCAt makes use of innovative biotechnological approaches to improve cellular cultures for bioactive compounds production to be used as raw materials in nutraceutical sector, cosmetology, bioplastics and green chemistry.

This webinar aims to create a shared knowledge space on circular economy topics, stimulating interest and dialogue on the role of biotechnologies to support sustainable development and introduce the impacts of the proposed model.

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10:30 BOBCAT project: context and aim– Francesca Sparvoli, IBBA-CNR

10:40 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of bioactive compounds in cardoon extracts and evaluation of their beneficial properties – Giulia Graziani, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

10:55 Role of genetics and biotechnology as support for sustainable development: production of modified cell cultures– Teresa Docimo, IBBR-CNR/ Dario Paolo, IBBA-CNR

11:15 Industrial-scale production of plant cells: strategies to improve sustainability – Luca Langellotti, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

11:30 Life-Cycle Analysis of the BOBCAt model – Giuliana D’Imporzano, Consorzio Italbiotec

11:45 Conclusions



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