StaffLucia Giorgetti



+39 0506213089


Research area

Giorgetti Lucia



Master degree in Biological Science at University of Pisa, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences

Professional experience

2018-2019: Partecipant in the framework of the joint bilateral project CNR / MOES (Albania) “Preparation/activation of an ilmenite-based nanomaterial and assessment of its efficiency in the immobilization of heavy metals in a (multi) contaminated soil” coordinated by dr. Eliana Tassi (IRET). Research activity: ecotoxicological tests to evaluate the impact of ilmenite on plant growth

2014-Present: Teacher in Botany (Plant Cytology) in the Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences, Department of Biology, University of Pisa

2010-Present: Researcher at the National Research Council, Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology, Pisa branch

2008-2010: Partecipant in Project PRIN “Study of dimorphic transition in Pichia fermentans by proteomic and cytogenetic approach”, scientific coordinator M. Budroni, University of Sassari. Research activity: studies of cytoskeleton structures of P. fermentans by immunofluorescence microscopy

2008-2009: Partecipant in the framework of the joint bilateral agreement CNR-CNRST Protection, valorisation et traitment des eaux de la région Fés–Boulmane au Maroc. Research activity:  studies of waste water effects on plant development in different plant systems. Genotoxicity Studies (micronucleus test) on model plants

2005-2006: Partecipant in Project “Citrus as a model system for the Mediterranean Area: study on varieties resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses”. Research activity: cyto-istological and molecular studies of Citrus regeneration system in vitro.

1998-2007: Partecipant in project on Oil Palm somaclonal variation ‘Cyto-histological and Molecular Study of how Cell Variants arising in Oil Palm Cultures may affect Regenerated Plants’. Main topics of research: cyto-histological and microdensitometric studies of Oil Palm cultures; studies of floral genes expression during floral development both in normal and abnormal plants by means of RNA in situ hybridisation; methylation and DNA modulation studies during the meiotic process

Research interests

  • Cytogenetics and molecular studies in plant development, in vivo and in vitro analysis
  • Somaclonal variation in plant cell cultures, analysis of gene expression by in situ hybridization technique
  • Studies of plant meiosis (cytogenetics and immunohistochemistry)
  • Phytotoxicyty and genotoxicity studies on different plant systems: evaluation of physiological and growth parameters, micronucleus test
  • Analysis of phytochemicals (polyphenols, flavonoids, flavonols, glucosinolates, etc) and plant antioxidant capacity in relation to developmental stage and growth conditions

Projects in progress

Projects completed

Enza Zaden
Start date: 01/01/2016   End date: 31/12/2018


Pisa, Roma
Lucia Giorgetti

Project duration:
01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Lucia Giorgetti
Pisa, Roma

Enza Zaden

The project aimed to analyze the content of glucosinolates, polyphenols, flovonoids, fibers and antioxidant capacity in new hybrid varieties of turnip greens (Brassica rapa subsp. Sylvestris) obtained after crossing at the Enza Zaden company, Tarquinia, VT, Italy. In particular, the considered bioactive compounds were analyzed by spectrophotometric and fluorimetric analyzes on extracts from different parts of the adult plants (leaves, stems and inflorescences). The analyzes were also carried out on the packaged product, ready for consumption, at different storage times in order to evaluate the possible better performance of the new varieties in terms of shelf life.


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