StaffStefano Biffani



+39 0223699436


Research area

ORCID: 0000-0001-5559-3630
Google Scholar: Profile
Research Gate: Stefano Biffani
Scopus Author ID: 25635310300
WoS Researcher ID: X-8264-2019
Linkedin: Stefano Biffani

Biffani Stefano



1997–2000: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) – University of Florence Animal Breeding

1996–1997: MSc Universidade Federal Do Cearà, Brasil, Animal Breeding

1987–1994: Bachelor degree – University of Florence – Tropical Agriculture

Professional experience

2018–2019: Visiting Scientist at Animal Science Department, NC State, Raleigh (USA)

2017–Present: Researcher at the National Research Council Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology, Milan office

2016–2017: Chief Geneticist Italian Breeders Association, Rome (Italy)

2015-2017: Visiting Professor at Department of Animal Science – Federal University of Ceara’, Fortaleza

2013–2016: Research Associate at Italian National Research Council CNR – National Research Council (Lodi Unit)

2011–2013: Researcher/Geneticist Italian Holstein Breeders Association

2009–2011: Researcher/Statistician Parco Tecnologico Padano

2000–2008: Researcher/Geneticist Italian Holstein Breeders Association

Research interests

  • Animal Breeding
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biostatistics

Projects in progress

CASTANEVAL - Chestnut cultivation development in Lombardy: leveraging native genetic resources
Start date: 24/12/2022   End date: 23/12/2024

Regione Lombardia

Milano   Website

Eleonora Cominelli

Project duration:
24/12/2022 - 23/12/2024
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Eleonora Cominelli
Project website:

CASTANEVAL - Chestnut cultivation development in Lombardy: leveraging native genetic resources

The CASTANEVAL project intends to respond to the need for scientific knowledge on Lombardy chestnut genetic resources in order to provide tools for the leverage and conservation of native germplasm and to undertake actions for the management recovery of chestnut groves. The pilot study areas are the chestnut groves in the municipality of Serle (BS) and in the Varese Pre-Alps (VA) The CASTANEVAL project aims also to develop a chestnut micropropagation system in order to offer a concrete, sustainable and economical tool for the conservation and multiplication of native germplasm of high local interest. The project will also study the ecological context and the degree of naturalness of the stands, from wild to coppice and cultivated varieties. A complete characterisation of the chestnut genetic resources in the areas under consideration will result from the integration of genetic, morphological, ecological and production data.

SCALA-MEDI Improving sustainability and quality of Sheep and Chicken production by leveraging the Adaptation potential of LocAl breeds in the MEDIterranean area
Start date: 01/08/2022   End date: 31/07/2026

Prima EU

Milano   Website

Alessandra Stella

Project duration:
01/08/2022 - 31/07/2026
Financing body:
Prima EU
Project research leader:
Alessandra Stella
Project website:

SCALA-MEDI Improving sustainability and quality of Sheep and Chicken production by leveraging the Adaptation potential of LocAl breeds in the MEDIterranean area

The SCALA-MEDI project will optimise the sustainable use and conservation of local breeds of chicken and sheep from the Mediterranean region, focusing on adaptation to climatic conditions and consumer preferences .

The expertise and data from previous EU projects will be extended to the genetic and epigenetic characterisation of local resources and their adaptation to different production environments in three North African countries, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

Tools and strategies will be developed to improve local breeds for sustainable production. Application of these tools will be demonstrated to farmers in diverse Mediterranean production systems.

Projects completed

ASSONAPA - Creation of the criobank of local Italian sheep and goat breeds
Start date: 30/05/2018   End date: 29/05/2020

Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia (ASSONAPA)

Flavia Pizzi

Project duration:
30/05/2018 - 29/05/2020
Financing body:
Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia (ASSONAPA)
Project research leader:
Flavia Pizzi

ASSONAPA - Creation of the criobank of local Italian sheep and goat breeds

The aim of the project was the management of the genetic variability of the local Italian sheep and goat breeds through the choice of donors to be stored in the Cryobank and therefore the collection and conservation of their genetic material. For this purpose, the donors of genetic material to be stored in the Criobank have been identified in the Massese sheep, Langhe sheep, Gentile sheep of Puglia, Garganica goat and Nicastrese goat breeds. The seminal material was then collected using reproductive biotechnologies, such as the extraction of epididymal spermatozoa procedures, that had previously been developed in the IBBA laboratories in Lodi. The material collected in the project can be distributed to breeders for the insemination of the females for proper management of the genetic variability of their herds and more generally of the whole breed.

CASTADIVA-Biodiversity and multifunctionality of the chestnut tree. Valorization of genetic resources for the development of Lombardy sub mountain areas
Start date: 11/06/2021   End date: 30/11/2023

Regione Lombardia

Milano   Website

Eleonora Cominelli

Project duration:
11/06/2021 - 30/11/2023
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Eleonora Cominelli
Project website:

CASTADIVA-Biodiversity and multifunctionality of the chestnut tree. Valorization of genetic resources for the development of Lombardy sub mountain areas

Over the centuries, the chestnut tree, cultivated for its fruits and timber, has become an essential element of subsistence for many societies in mountain and sub-mountainous areas, revealing its potential as a multifunctional species. However, today a large part of chestnut forests is in a state of degradation and abandonment, mainly due to the depopulation of rural areas, global climate change and recent outbreaks of exotic pests. With a view to the recovery and enhancement of chestnut genetic resources, the CASTADIVA project mainly aims to:

  • map the chestnut areas of pilot areas in the Lombardy Region (chestnut groves in the Municipality of Serle, BS and in the Varese Prealps, VA);
  • evaluate the genetic diversity of chestnut woods, genetically characterize local varieties
  • to characterize the fruits from a morphological, pomological, qualitative and nutritional point of view
  • integrate data obtained from genetic and morphometric analysis with ecological, silvicultural, phytosanitary and possibly socio-economic data;
  • identify the best practices and management criteria for the conservation and enhancement of chestnut genetic resources to be applied in the areas of greatest interest; transfer information to local administrations and the agricultural world.
ANASB BIG: Italian Mediterranean Buffalo - Innovative Technologies for Genetic Improvement
Start date: 02/01/2022   End date: 01/06/2024


Milano   Website

Stefano Biffani

Project duration:
02/01/2022 - 01/06/2024
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Stefano Biffani
Project website:

ANASB BIG: Italian Mediterranean Buffalo - Innovative Technologies for Genetic Improvement

The project aims at the genetic improvement of innovative traits related to resistance/resilience to diseases (brucellosis, tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, transverse hemimelia), environmental sustainability (food efficiency, atmospheric emissions ), quality of productions (cheese making), enhancement of meat production as a secondary product (for example muscularity and Body Condition Score) as well as the maintenance of genetic variability of the Italian Mediterranean buffalo breed through inbreeding control and the creatio of a biobank of both male semen and embryos.

ANACLI I-BEEF 2 Italian Biodiversity Environment Efficiency and Fitness 2
Start date: 02/01/2022   End date: 01/06/2024


Milano, Lodi   Website

Stefano Biffani

Project duration:
02/01/2022 - 01/06/2024
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Stefano Biffani
Milano, Lodi
Project website:

ANACLI I-BEEF 2 Italian Biodiversity Environment Efficiency and Fitness 2

The I-BEEF project aims not only to improve the breeding plan of the Italian Limousine and Charolaise breeds by adapting it to the new sustainability and environmental selection criteria, but also to speed up the genomic characterization of 6 autochthonous beef genetic types (TGA), namely: Calvana, Mucca Pisana, Pontremolese, Sarda, Sardo Bruna, Sardo Modicana. The main objectives are biodiversity conservation and inbreeding control

ASSONAPA SHEEP&GOAT - Sustainability Health Environment Economy Profitability & Genomic Organisation Animal (pheno)Typing
Start date: 02/01/2022   End date: 01/06/2024


Milano, Lodi   Website

Stefano Biffani

Project duration:
02/01/2022 - 01/06/2024
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Stefano Biffani
Milano, Lodi
Project website:

ASSONAPA SHEEP&GOAT - Sustainability Health Environment Economy Profitability & Genomic Organisation Animal (pheno)Typing

The SHEEP&GOAT project aims to introduce a series of actions related to the collection and use of phenotypic and molecular data in the Italian sheep and goat farming industry, with the goal of making the breeding sustainable and competitive, and contributing to the preservation and management of its rich biodiversity.


sPATIALS3 - Improvement of agrifood productions and innovative technologies for a safer and more secure and sustainable nutrition
Start date: 01/02/2020   End date: 31/10/2022

Regione Lombardia

Milano, Lodi   Website

Francesca Sparvoli

Project duration:
01/02/2020 - 31/10/2022
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Francesca Sparvoli
Milano, Lodi
Project website:

sPATIALS3 - Improvement of agrifood productions and innovative technologies for a safer and more secure and sustainable nutrition

sPATIALS3 is a technological and research hub involving 12 CNR Institutes belonging to 4 different Departments and 4 companies. Main objectives will be: obtainment of innovative food products improved for their nutritional and functional properties; provision and implementation of precision technologies to guarantee products quality, safety and traceability; development of innovative and eco-sustainable smart– and active-packaging to minimize and reuse wastes, where possible, and to increase food preservability; provision to consumers and producers of tools for results exploitation.


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