1983-1987: Doctorate in Animal Science, Milan University
1978-1982: Degree in Animal Breeding, Milan University
2008-Present: Head of Research Unit of Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology – National Research Council IBBA CNR in Lodi
2018–Present: Referent for the thematic areas animal health and welfare for the National Reserch Council within the European Food Safety Authority EFSA
2018-Present: Scientific coordinator of IBBA CNR Unit in the framework of CHEESR – Conservation, Health and Efficiency Empowerment of Small Ruminant project funded by Reg (UE) 1305/2013. Programma di Sviluppo Rurale Nazionale 2014/2020. Caratterizzazione delle risorse genetiche animali di interesse zootecnico e salvaguardia della biodiversità.
2018-Present: Scientific coordinator of IBBA CNR Unit in the framework of BIONET project funded by Fondo Europeo Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020
2015: July Expert member of the Italian National Research Council delegation during the visit in Mongolia in the framework the Agreement between Italian National Research Council and Mongolian Academy of Science
2015 – Present :Participant EU Horizon 2020 project Innovative Management of Genetic Resources H2020-SFS-2015-2 IMAGE Innovative Management of Animal Genetic resources H2020-EU.3.2. – SOCIETAL CHALLENGES – Food security, Total funding: 1.396.875 euro funding to Partner 490.000 euro Project ID: 677353, http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/200171_en.html, http://www.imageh2020.eu
2014-Present: Award of the National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) as Associate Professor
2014-2016: Principal investigator in the bilateral project Development of integrative model of management system for assisted reproductive techniques in goat local breeds: the Angora breed case study in the framework of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
2013–Present: Referee Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca MIUR and Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca
2013-2016: Head of WG “Cattle male fertility” in the framework of Genome Research Resort (GenHome) project. MIUR
Total funding: 10.882.320 euro Provv CNR 4375 del 22/10/2012, http://www.genhome.eu/research
2013-2015: Principal investigator in the project Fertility in buffalo and cattle under heat stress conditions funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Executive in the framework of Program for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Egypt and Italy, Years 2013-2015
2013- 2015: Participant in the project INTEROMICS – Development of an integrated platform for the application of “omic” sciences to biomarker definition and theranostic, predictive and diagnostic profiles. MIUR – Progetti Bandiera Total funding to Partner IBBA-CNR 300.000 Provvedimento n. 4375 del 22/10/2013
2012-2014: Scientific Coordinator IBBA CNR as subcontractor in the framework of EU-KBBE project FECUND (FundamEntal Cattle ReprodUctioN StuDy)
2012-2014: Principal Scientist in Joint research project CNR and National Council of Science and Technology of Perù (CONCYTEC) “Testicular structure, daily sperm production and changes in sperm quality after cryopreservation in alpaca and local breeds for their genetic conservation”.
2012: Member of FAO Working Group for the preparation of the Guidelines for Cryoconservation of Animal Genetic Resources
2011-2014: Participant in the project “ Characterization of pig local breeds of Southern Italy for the biodiversity conservation within the framework of the research program “CISIA – Integrated knowledge for sustainability and innovation of made in Italy agroofood products”
2011-2014: Principal Scientist IBBA CNR in the project “Harmonization of genetic resources available in National research Council” within the project “CISIA – Integrated knowledge for sustainability and innovation of made in Italy agroofood products”
2011: FAO Consultant at National Biodiversity Center in Bhutan
2010-2012 :Principal Scientist in Joint research project CNR_Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (Egypt ) “Factors affecting the developmental competence of in vitro produced buffalo and bovine embryos”
2005-2010: Program leader of IBBA research activity AG.P02.002 / Animal genetic resources conservation
2010: Member of Working Group of European Regional Focal Point of FAO for the preparation of the Guidelines for Animal Genetic Resources Cryobanks
2010-2013: Scientific coordinator IBBA Unit within the project “Innovative Reproductive Biotechnologies for the genetic diffusion of Italian Buffalo (InnovaB)” funded by Regione Lombardia
2008-2012: Scientific coordinator WP4 Characterization and genetic mangement of animal genetic resources within the project “Biological resources and innovative technologies for the sustainable development of the Agrofood System”. Accordo Quadro CNR – Regione Lombardia
2006-2009: Participant in the UE project “Towards self-sustainability of European Regional Cattle Breeds (EURECA GEN RES 2005 12)” in particular in WP2 “Detailed analysis of cryopreservation programmes”.
2002-Present : Head of Animal Germoplasm Cryobank “Giuseppe Rognoni”- IBBA-CNR
2000 -2005: Participant in EU COST Action 848 Multi-facetted Research in Rabbits: a Model to Develop a Healthy and Safe Production in Respect with Animal Welfare in particular Working Group 1: Reproduction.
2006 – Present :Lecturer at Brescia University, Medicine Faculty
2003: Lecturer at Master in “Pig Science” Milan University
1995-1999: Contract professor at Milan University Veterinary Faculty