EU-IBISBA is a distributed research infrastructure concept that will deliver translational research and innovation services to the research community and industry alike. Its aim is to accelerate the movement of knowledge and early stage research results towards maturity and uptake for further development by industrial R&I. EU-IBISBA’s expertise is within the field of industrial biotechnology and focuses on the integrated development of bioprocesses, using a multidisciplinary approach and advanced technology such as synthetic biology.
PREP-IBISBA intervenes just after the addition of EU-IBISBA on the ESFRI roadmap and as a follow-up to an ongoing H2020 INFRAIA starting community project entitled IBISBA 1.0. The aim of PREP-IBISBA is to create the conditions to launch EU-IBISBA. It will deliver all the conceptual elements necessary to finalize the science and technology case and define the business model, establish a long range financial plan and identify alternative legal frameworks suitable to deliver EU-IBISBA. Overall, the work will lead to the creation of a legal entity, preferentially either an ERIC or another suitable legal instrument.
Il progetto si articola in tre step:
1) L’avvio di un’iniziativa volta al sequenziamento del genoma di frumento duro; l’obiettivo sarà perseguito attraverso strategie complementari che, nel loro complesso, permetteranno di affrontare le due principali problematiche associate al sequenziamento del complesso genoma di questa specie (presenza di due genomi altamente simili e alta percentuale di sequenze ripetute).
2) La caratterizzazione a livello proteomico e metabolomico delle varietà utilizzate per gli studi di genomica. I risultati di questa analisi saranno integrati con quelli prodotti dall’analisi genomica, evidenziando la presenza di eventi post-trascrizionali e post-traduzionali nella biosintesi delle proteine e fornendo indicazioni sulla attivazione di specifici percorsi metabolici.
3) La fenotipizzazione di 150 accessioni già genotipizzate (profili SNP) e derivate tramite Single Seed Descent da landraces/ecotipi. Questa collezione è conservata presso la sede di Bari dell’Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Questi materiali consentiranno la realizzazione di una analisi di mappatura per associazione tra gli SNPs e le caratteristiche morfo-fisiologiche delle piante, fornendo quindi le basi per l’utilizzazione di queste risorse genetiche nella costituzione di nuove varietà di frumento duro.
The project is organized in 3 main activities:
1) Implementation and updating of the BioGenRes network of biobanks, with a focus on nationally/internationally recognized collections of animal, plant or microorganism species samples (animal and plant germplasm banks, microbial strain libraries of pathogenic/toxigenic organisms, nematodes, soil and water microflora and microorganisms used in agro-industry and food (e.g. microbial starters for fermentations)).
2) Replication (rejuvenation) and expansion of material stored in collections. For plant and microbial collections: multiplication of accessions for which a small amount of material is available and rejuvenation of accessions whose seed viability data are below the expected standards (> 85%). For animal collections of zootechnical interest: collection and freezing of genetic material of local breeds to complete sampling carried out in previous projects or expansion of the number of species and breeds stored in cryobanks.
3) Biochemical, molecular, metabolic, functional and phenotypic characterization of the material conserved in the biobanks of the BioGenRes network, also in order to carry out association studies and to identify markers associated with traits linked to production and/or adaptation to biotic and abiotic stress factors.
E-crops intende contribuire allo sviluppo ed alla diffusione dell’Agricoltura 4.0 nel Mezzogiorno, sviluppando tecnologie e metodologie innovative per gestire le colture ed i rischi a cui sono esposte; inserendo le nuove tecnologie nei tessuti produttivi di filiera, attraverso una serie di applicazioni pilota in grado di monitorare e quindi gestire i processi in funzione degli obiettivi aziendali. Verranno sviluppati strumenti di supporto decisionale, tramite la stretta interazione tra esigenze aziendali e metodologie di monitoraggio ed analisi, che permettano di gestire la variabilità spaziale di campo sia per aumentare la qualità del prodotto finale (su filiere ad alto valore aggiunto), sia per l’ottimizzazione gestionale in chiave di sostenibilità (su filiere industriali). E-crops impiegherà una infrastruttura per la fenotipizzazione HTP, eccellenza del Sud e unica in Italia, allo scopo di costruire rappresentazioni digitali delle colture in ambiente controllato che permettano di aumentare il livello di conoscenza ottenibile con tecniche di rilievo non invasivo. Le ricadute di mercato ed occupazionali sono triplici: nuovi mercati per produttori di tecnologie; aumento di competitività e redditività associato ad inserimenti in organico di nuove figure professionali; opportunità per la nascita di start-up di congiunzione tra tecnologia ed agricoltura.
The project includes the development of a rapid assay for the determination of trypsin inhibitors in different soybean matrices (extracted soybean, extruded soybean, fermented concentrated protein soybean); the development of a rapid assay for the determination of allergens in different soya matrices; the molecular characterization of 3 soya matrices (extracted soy flour, extruded soy, fermented protein soy).
Protein function can be understood through protein structure. The structure of a protein can inform the design of modifications resulting in increase or reduction of activity, depending on the desired goal. The service we are developing is a structure determination pipeline (from gene to protein structure). The design of synthetic proteins needs both validation by structure determination and it need to be inspired by structures of the proteins – either the ones to be modified or the products of the initial stages of design. The user will provide either the gene encoding the protein of interest, or vector/expression system and purification protocol for producing it recombinantly, or purified protein. The service will provide either of the following deliverables:
The project SURF aims to select and develop genetic materials of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) for the resistance to viruses, through the use of new experimental approaches and innovative scientific technologies. The first objective of the project is the identification of durum wheat genotypes resistant to the soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) and the identification of resistance loci, using an approach of Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS). A panel of durum wheat genotypes already genotyped will be used. A further objective of the project is the development of durum wheat lines carrying an inactive form of a susceptibility gene for Bymovirus, through genome editing approaches. In particular, in barley the variant of a gene coding for a protein-disulfide-isomerase (PDIL5-1) causes an innate resistance to different strains of Bymovirus. The durum wheat ortholog gene of this PDIL5-1 will be used for genome editing. The resistance traits that will be identified in the project will be then available for durum wheat breeding programs.
sPATIALS3 is a technological and research hub involving 12 CNR Institutes belonging to 4 different Departments and 4 companies. Main objectives will be: obtainment of innovative food products improved for their nutritional and functional properties; provision and implementation of precision technologies to guarantee products quality, safety and traceability; development of innovative and eco-sustainable smart– and active-packaging to minimize and reuse wastes, where possible, and to increase food preservability; provision to consumers and producers of tools for results exploitation.