StaffElena Baldoni



+39 0223699416


Research area

ORCID: 0000-0001-6805-0897
Google Scholar: Profile
Research Gate: Elena Baldoni
Scopus Author ID: 24484821400

Baldoni Elena



2007: PhD (Plant Biology & Production) – Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy.

2002: Master’s Degree (Plant Biotechnology) – Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy. (Grade: 110/110).

Professional experience

2016 – Present: Researcher, permanent position at IBBA-CNR in Milan, Italy. From August 2018 to August 2019, I was temporary relocated at the Rome Unit (Monterotondo Scalo, Rome, Italy). Participation to the scientific projects SURF and SPATIALS, funded by Lombardy Region, and to the scientific project BOBCAT, funded by CARIPLO foundation.

2014 – 2016: Senior Post-Doctoral Position at Department of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (Production, Landscape, Agroenergy) – University of Milan, Italy.  Participation to the EU scientific project n. 678168 “NEURICE – New commercial EUropean RICE (Oryza sativa) harbouring salt tolerance alleles to protect the rice sector against climate change and apple snail (Pomacea insularum) invasion” funded byEuropean Commission. Topic: SFS-05-2015 Type of action: RIA. Call identifier: H2020-SFS-2015-2.

2012 – 2014: Senior Post-Doctoral Position at IBBA-CNR in Milan. Participation to the scientific project “RISINNOVA: Integrated Genetic and Genomic Approaches for New Italian Rice Breeding Strategies” funded by AGER – Fondazioni in rete per la ricerca agroalimentare – Call “Filiera del riso”.

2009 – 2012: Researcher, temporary position at IBBA-CNR in Milan. Participation to the scientific project “Risorse biologiche e tecnologie innovative per lo sviluppo sostenibile del sistema agro-alimentare” funded by Accordo Quadro Regione Lombardia-CNR (Project 2).

2008: Post-Doctoral Position at the Rice Genomic Unit of Parco Tecnologico Padano in Lodi, Italy. Participation to the EU scientific project “EURIGEN – Genotyping for the Conservation and Valorisation of European Rice Germplasm”, funded by the European Commission – DG Agriculture and Rural Development (Action 049 of the AGRI GEN RES program).

2007: Research work period at Rice Genomic Lab of CIRAD Institute (Montpellier, France) in the framework of the INGENIO project.

2003 – 2008: Fellowships at IBBA-CNR in Milan. Participation to the scientific projects i) “Ricerca di fattori di resistenza a stress nel riso” funded by FINLOMBARDA S.p.A. – Sovvenzione Globale INGENIO and ii) “PlantSTRESS – Costituzione di una rete di ricerca su Genomica e Funzioni Geniche della Risposta delle Piante a Stress Ambientali” funded by Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca – FIRB-Progetto Strategico Post-Genoma.

2002 – 2003: Fellowship at Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura – Consiglio per le Ricerche in Agronomia in Bergamo, Italy. Participation to the EU scientific project n. QLK5-1999-1484 “EURICE – European Rice: transgenes for crop protection against fungal diseases” funded by European Commission.Topic: FP5-LIFE QUALITY.

Research interests

  • Study of plant–environment interactions and of the regulation mechanisms of gene expression involved in the response to abiotic stresses in crop species (rice, wheat, tomato), through the functional characterization of specific genes, in particular transcription factors, or using transcriptomic approaches.
  • Study of the genetic variability in a durum wheat collection for the identification of specific traits related to the improvement of seed nutritional quality and to the tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses.


Projects in progress

Projects completed

E-crops - Tecnologie per l’Agricoltura Digitale Sostenibile
Start date: 01/10/2020   End date: 31/03/2023


Aldo Ceriotti, Elena Baldoni

Project duration:
01/10/2020 - 31/03/2023
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Aldo Ceriotti, Elena Baldoni

E-crops - Tecnologie per l’Agricoltura Digitale Sostenibile

E-crops intende contribuire allo sviluppo ed alla diffusione dell’Agricoltura 4.0 nel Mezzogiorno, sviluppando tecnologie e metodologie innovative per gestire le colture ed i rischi a cui sono esposte; inserendo le nuove tecnologie nei tessuti produttivi di filiera, attraverso una serie di applicazioni pilota in grado di monitorare e quindi gestire i processi in funzione degli obiettivi aziendali. Verranno sviluppati strumenti di supporto decisionale, tramite la stretta interazione tra esigenze aziendali e metodologie di monitoraggio ed analisi, che permettano di gestire la variabilità spaziale di campo sia per aumentare la qualità del prodotto finale (su filiere ad alto valore aggiunto), sia per l’ottimizzazione gestionale in chiave di sostenibilità (su filiere industriali). E-crops impiegherà una infrastruttura per la fenotipizzazione HTP, eccellenza del Sud e unica in Italia, allo scopo di costruire rappresentazioni digitali delle colture in ambiente controllato che permettano di aumentare il livello di conoscenza ottenibile con tecniche di rilievo non invasivo. Le ricadute di mercato ed occupazionali sono triplici: nuovi mercati per produttori di tecnologie; aumento di competitività e redditività associato ad inserimenti in organico di nuove figure professionali; opportunità per la nascita di start-up di congiunzione tra tecnologia ed agricoltura.

BOBCAt - Biotechnologies for sustainable production of bio-based commodities and specialty products in a cardoon-based biorefinery
Start date: 15/04/2019   End date: 14/04/2021

Fondazione Cariplo

Francesca Sparvoli

Project duration:
15/04/2019 - 14/04/2021
Financing body:
Fondazione Cariplo
Project research leader:
Francesca Sparvoli

BOBCAt - Biotechnologies for sustainable production of bio-based commodities and specialty products in a cardoon-based biorefinery

Aim of the project is the optimization of the use of industrial by-products and wastewaters as growth substrates for plant cell cultures and the optimization of their growth in economically and environmentally sustainable conditions to substantiate the possibility to build a cardoon-based cell biofactory in line with the principles of Circular Economy. Biotechnological approaches, through the RNAi strategy and/or the emerging technique of “genome editing”, on seed/leaf derived calli will be directed to increase monounsaturated fatty acids, while modifying lignin composition for accumulation of different phenolic acids as well as higher digestibility and availability of the cellulose fraction to enzymatic degradation. Furthermore, economic and environmental analysis of the production model of cardoon cells will be performed.

SURF - Selection and development of genetic materials for the resistance to virus diseases of wheat
Start date: 01/07/2020   End date: 30/12/2023

Regione Lombardia

Milano   Website

Aldo Ceriotti

Project duration:
01/07/2020 - 30/12/2023
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Aldo Ceriotti
Project website:

SURF - Selection and development of genetic materials for the resistance to virus diseases of wheat

The project SURF aims to select and develop genetic materials of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) for the resistance to viruses, through the use of new experimental approaches and innovative scientific technologies. The first objective of the project is the identification of durum wheat genotypes resistant to the soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) and the identification of resistance loci, using an approach of Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS). A panel of durum wheat genotypes already genotyped will be used. A further objective of the project is the development of durum wheat lines carrying an inactive form of a susceptibility gene for Bymovirus, through genome editing approaches. In particular, in barley the variant of a gene coding for a protein-disulfide-isomerase (PDIL5-1) causes an innate resistance to different strains of Bymovirus. The durum wheat ortholog gene of this PDIL5-1 will be used for genome editing. The resistance traits that will be identified in the project will be then available for durum wheat breeding programs.

RISINNOVA - Integrated genetic and genomic approaches for new Italian rice breeding strategies
Start date: 01/03/2011   End date: 30/10/2014


Annamaria Genga

Project duration:
01/03/2011 - 30/10/2014
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Annamaria Genga

RISINNOVA - Integrated genetic and genomic approaches for new Italian rice breeding strategies

The overall objective of the “RISINNOVA” project is to provide the Italian rice industry with genetic and genomic tools for the development of more competitive rice varieties, suitable for both domestic and international markets.

The project is structured in five research Workpackages (WP):

WP1. Genetic and genomic approaches to improve protection against the main rice diseases

WP2. Genetic and genomics strategies for protection of rice from major abiotic stresses (water

shortage, salt stress, thermal stress)

WP3. Genetic and functional diversity of rice-associated microbial communities

WP4. Genomic analysis systems applied to biodiversity

WP5. Dissemination, training and technology transfer

In the framework of WP2, the IBBA activity aims to identify genes that may represent important players in the tolerant response to osmotic stress. This is achieved through: i) the physiological evaluation of several japonica cultivars for their response to osmotic stress ii) the selection of two cultivars with a contrasting phenotype (sensitive vs tolerant) iii) an RNA-Seq analysis of the transcriptomic changes occurring in leaves and roots of these two cultivars in response to osmotic stress.

sPATIALS3 - Improvement of agrifood productions and innovative technologies for a safer and more secure and sustainable nutrition
Start date: 01/02/2020   End date: 31/10/2022

Regione Lombardia

Milano, Lodi   Website

Francesca Sparvoli

Project duration:
01/02/2020 - 31/10/2022
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Francesca Sparvoli
Milano, Lodi
Project website:

sPATIALS3 - Improvement of agrifood productions and innovative technologies for a safer and more secure and sustainable nutrition

sPATIALS3 is a technological and research hub involving 12 CNR Institutes belonging to 4 different Departments and 4 companies. Main objectives will be: obtainment of innovative food products improved for their nutritional and functional properties; provision and implementation of precision technologies to guarantee products quality, safety and traceability; development of innovative and eco-sustainable smart– and active-packaging to minimize and reuse wastes, where possible, and to increase food preservability; provision to consumers and producers of tools for results exploitation.


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