2018: Habilitation as Associate and Full Professor in Animal Breeding and Genetics; Habilitation as Associate Professor in Plant Breeding and Genetics (ASN)
2006 – 2010: Wageningen University, The Netherlands: Ph.D. in animal breeding & genomics
1999: University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, Erasmus Programme – Veterinary Epidemiology and Food Safety
1996 – 2002: University of Perugia, Italy, M.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine
2018–Present: Senior Research Scientist, CNR (National Council for Research), Milan, Italy. Research in biostatistics, bioinformatics, plant and animal breeding, human medicine, machine learning and data analysis (’omics data). Supervison of students (BSc, MSc, PhD). Coordination of research projects. Teaching.
2018– 2021: Seconded National Expert, ERCEA (European Research Council Executive Agency), Bruxelles, Belgium. Call coordination and data analysis team: evaluation and monitoring of ERC project proposals, coordination of scientific panels, statistical analysis of related data, tool development. Text mining and topic modelling for the automated processing of text data
2017 – 2018: Senior Biostatistician, Cardiff University (School of Medicine), Cardiff, United Kingdom: One-year Marie-Curie fellowhip to carry out research on bioinformatics and biostatistics on autoimmune conditions (i.e. Graves’ disease and orbitopathy, celiac disease) in human patients. Analysis of ’omics data (RNA-sequencing, proteomics, metabolomics, metagenomics) and clinical features.
2016 – 2018: Research Scientist (Ricercatore III livello), CNR (National Council for Research), Milan, Italy: Research in biostatistics, bioinformatics, plant and animal breeding, human medicine, machine learning and data analysis (’omics data). Supervison of students (BSc, MSc, PhD). Coordination of research projects.
2017: IAEA Expert Mission, Centre national de la recherche appliquée au développement rural, Antananarivo, Madagascar: UN-IAEA mission to carry out a 5-days training course for local researchers and technicians (in French) on “Animal Identification, Recording Phenotypes and Performance Data to Enhance Cattle Breeding in Madagascar”.
2016: Researcher (RTD – tipo B), Università degli Studi di Teramo (School of Biosciences), Teramo, Italy: Research in Animal Breeding & Genetics, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. Teaching animal breeding & genetics.
2014 – 2016: Principal Investigator, PTP Science Park, Lodi, Italy: Biostatistics and bioinformatics for the analysis of NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) data in animal, plant and human projects. Scientific coordination of national and international research projects. Coordinating a research group of 2/3 persons. Supervision of PhD and Master students.
2016: COST Short Term Scientific Mission, IRTA (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries), Caldes de Montbui, Spain: COST Methagene Short-Term Scientific Mission to work on Bayesian statistical analysis of rumen methane emissions data in cattle.
2011 – 2014: Marie-Curie post-doctoral researcher, PTP Science Park, Lodi, Italy: Research on plant (sugar beet, rice, peach) and animal (sheep, cattle, goats, buffalo) statistical genetics, genomics and bioinformatics. Teaching statistics, programming and genetics courses. Supervision of PhD students.
2013: ESF Visiting Scientist, Cardiff University (School of Biosciences), Cardiff, UK: ESF (European Science Foundation) Grant to work on the genetic adaptation of animals to the environment.
2010 – 2011: Post-doctoral researcher, Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, Germany: Research on genomic predictions and selection in cattle. Teaching statistics. Supervision of PhD students.
2006 – 2010: Marie-Curie Phd fellow, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands: Research on quantitative genetics and statistical genomics in laying hens. Assistant teacher in the master course “Animal breeding and genetics”. Supervision of master students.
2009 – 2010,:Secondary school trainee teacher, Vwo – Havo school ’t Hooghe Landt, Amersfoort, The Netherlands: Project “Becoming a teacher”: training in teaching in secondary schools and classes given under the supervision of a regular teacher. The subject of teaching was biology and the language dutch.
2003 – 2006: Quantitative Geneticist, Italian Holstein Association, Cremona, Italy: Routine genetic evaluation of dairy cattle. Research on dairy cattle quantitative genetics.
2005: Visiting scientist, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada: Research project on selection index theory and breeding schemes in dairy cattle.
2002: Web-programmer, ICBF (Irish Cattle Breeders Federation), Cork, Ireland: Web-programmer, database analyst and trainee in quantitative genetics.