StaffFlavia Pizzi



+39 03714662505


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ORCID: 0000-0002-5076-0265
Google Scholar: Profile
Research Gate: Flavia Pizzi
Scopus Author ID: 6602600422
WoS Researcher ID: C-8786-2017
Linkedin: Flavia Pizzi

Pizzi Flavia

Senior Researcher


1983-1987: Doctorate in Animal Science, Milan University

1978-1982: Degree in Animal Breeding, Milan University

Professional experience

2008-Present: Head of Research Unit of Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology – National Research Council IBBA CNR in Lodi 

2018–Present: Referent for the thematic areas animal health and welfare for the  National Reserch Council  within the European Food Safety Authority EFSA 

2018-Present: Scientific coordinator of IBBA CNR Unit in the framework of CHEESR – Conservation, Health and Efficiency Empowerment of Small Ruminant project funded by Reg (UE) 1305/2013. Programma di Sviluppo Rurale Nazionale 2014/2020. Caratterizzazione delle risorse genetiche animali di interesse zootecnico e salvaguardia della biodiversità.

2018-Present: Scientific coordinator of IBBA CNR Unit in the framework of BIONET project funded by Fondo Europeo Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020

2015: July Expert member of the Italian National Research Council delegation during the visit in Mongolia  in the framework the Agreement between  Italian National Research Council and Mongolian Academy of Science

2015 – Present :Participant  EU Horizon 2020 project Innovative Management of Genetic Resources H2020-SFS-2015-2 IMAGE Innovative Management of Animal Genetic resources H2020-EU.3.2. – SOCIETAL CHALLENGES – Food security, Total funding: 1.396.875 euro funding to Partner 490.000 euro Project ID: 677353,,

2014-Present: Award of the National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) as Associate Professor

2014-2016: Principal investigator in the bilateral project Development of integrative model of management system for assisted reproductive techniques in goat local breeds: the Angora breed case study in the framework of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)

2013–Present: Referee Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca MIUR and  Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca

2013-2016: Head of WG “Cattle male fertility” in the framework of Genome Research Resort (GenHome) project. MIUR 

Total funding: 10.882.320 euro  Provv CNR 4375 del 22/10/2012, 

2013-2015: Principal investigator in the project Fertility in buffalo and cattle under heat stress conditions funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Executive in the framework of Program for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Egypt and Italy, Years 2013-2015

2013- 2015: Participant in the project INTEROMICS – Development of an integrated platform for the application of “omic” sciences to biomarker definition and theranostic, predictive and diagnostic profiles. MIUR – Progetti Bandiera Total funding to Partner IBBA-CNR 300.000 Provvedimento n. 4375 del 22/10/2013 

2012-2014: Scientific Coordinator IBBA CNR as subcontractor in the framework of EU-KBBE project FECUND (FundamEntal Cattle ReprodUctioN StuDy)

2012-2014: Principal Scientist in Joint research project CNR and National Council of Science and Technology of Perù (CONCYTEC) “Testicular structure, daily sperm production and changes in sperm quality after cryopreservation in alpaca and local breeds for their genetic conservation”.

2012: Member of FAO Working Group for the preparation of the Guidelines for Cryoconservation of Animal Genetic Resources

2011-2014: Participant in the project “ Characterization of pig local breeds of Southern Italy for the biodiversity conservation within the framework of the research program “CISIA – Integrated knowledge for sustainability and innovation of made in Italy agroofood products”

2011-2014: Principal Scientist IBBA CNR in the project  “Harmonization of genetic resources available in National research Council” within the project “CISIA – Integrated knowledge for sustainability and innovation of made in Italy agroofood products” 

2011: FAO Consultant at National Biodiversity Center in Bhutan 

2010-2012 :Principal Scientist in Joint research project CNR_Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (Egypt ) “Factors affecting the developmental competence of in vitro produced buffalo and bovine embryos”

2005-2010: Program leader of IBBA research activity AG.P02.002 / Animal genetic resources conservation

2010: Member of Working Group of  European Regional Focal Point of FAO for the preparation of the Guidelines for Animal Genetic Resources Cryobanks 

2010-2013: Scientific coordinator IBBA Unit within the project  “Innovative Reproductive Biotechnologies for the genetic diffusion of Italian Buffalo (InnovaB)” funded by Regione Lombardia 

2008-2012: Scientific coordinator WP4 Characterization and genetic mangement of animal genetic resources within the project “Biological resources and innovative technologies for the sustainable development of the Agrofood System”. Accordo Quadro CNR – Regione Lombardia

2006-2009: Participant in the UE project  “Towards self-sustainability of European Regional Cattle Breeds (EURECA GEN RES 2005 12)” in particular in  WP2 “Detailed analysis of cryopreservation programmes”.

2002-Present : Head of Animal Germoplasm Cryobank “Giuseppe Rognoni”- IBBA-CNR

2000 -2005: Participant in EU COST Action 848 Multi-facetted Research in Rabbits: a Model to Develop a Healthy and Safe Production in Respect with Animal Welfare in particular Working Group 1:  Reproduction.

2006 – Present :Lecturer at   Brescia University, Medicine  Faculty 

2003: Lecturer at Master in “Pig Science” Milan University

1995-1999: Contract professor at  Milan University Veterinary Faculty

Research interests

  • Animal genetic resources conservation
  • Optimization of semen collection, evaluation and crioconservation in domestic animal
  • Creation and management of Animal Genetic Resources Cryobanks
  • Use of Advanced Reproductive Technologies for animal genetic conservation

Projects in progress

BIO4VERBA - Safeguarding the biodiversity of the local Verzaschese and Bionda dell'Adamello goat breeds: enhancing their production and creating an ex-situ genetic reserve
Start date: 02/11/2022   End date: 01/11/2024

Regione Lombardia

Federica Turri

Project duration:
02/11/2022 - 01/11/2024
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Federica Turri

BIO4VERBA - Safeguarding the biodiversity of the local Verzaschese and Bionda dell'Adamello goat breeds: enhancing their production and creating an ex-situ genetic reserve

BIO4VERBA project arises from the need of the breeders of the Verzaschese and Bionda dell’Adamello goat breeds to preserve and enhance their local breeds and the relative products.

BIO4VERBA has the following objectives:

  1. to expand the Lombardia Farm Animal Genetic Resources Cryobank – LABank – launched in 2008 with the addition of the Bionda dell’Adamello breed and the increasing of the genetic material of the Verzaschese breed, already present in the LABank;
  2. to characterize the milk of the two breeds (fat and protein composition, somatic cells content, fatty acids and terpenes, milk fat globule size, milk-coagulation time and microbiota composition);
  3. analyze the “qualitative” contribution made by the milk of the Verzaschese breed in the production of Formaggella del Luinese PDO compared to the other cosmopolitan breeds, evaluating the microbiota and volatilome through an innovative approach (Next Generation Sequencing-Microextraction in Solid Phase Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry);
  4. to characterize the Fatulì of the Saviore Valley at microbiome and volatilome levels for its enhancement;

5.     Support breeders who prefer grazing, through a characterization of their products (Formaggella del Luinese PDO and Fatulì of the Saviore Valley) that allow to identify the contribution of grazing to the sensorial cheese properties (characteristics of cheeses).

Projects completed

InterOmics – Sottoprogetto Tecnologie omiche per la valorizzazione del germoplasma di frumento duro
Start date: 29/07/2014   End date: 31/12/2018


Milano, Lodi   Website

Aldo Ceriotti

Project duration:
29/07/2014 - 31/12/2018
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Aldo Ceriotti
Milano, Lodi
Project website:

InterOmics – Sottoprogetto Tecnologie omiche per la valorizzazione del germoplasma di frumento duro

Il progetto si articola in tre step:

1) L’avvio di un’iniziativa volta al sequenziamento del genoma di frumento duro; l’obiettivo sarà perseguito attraverso strategie complementari che, nel loro complesso, permetteranno di affrontare le due principali problematiche associate al sequenziamento del complesso genoma di questa specie (presenza di due genomi altamente simili e alta percentuale di sequenze ripetute).

2) La caratterizzazione a livello proteomico e metabolomico delle varietà utilizzate per gli studi di genomica. I risultati di questa analisi saranno integrati con quelli prodotti dall’analisi genomica, evidenziando la presenza di eventi post-trascrizionali e post-traduzionali nella biosintesi delle proteine e fornendo indicazioni sulla attivazione di specifici percorsi metabolici.

3) La fenotipizzazione di 150 accessioni già genotipizzate (profili SNP) e derivate tramite Single Seed Descent da landraces/ecotipi. Questa collezione è conservata presso la sede di Bari dell’Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Questi materiali consentiranno la realizzazione di una analisi di mappatura per associazione tra gli SNPs e le caratteristiche morfo-fisiologiche delle piante, fornendo quindi le basi per l’utilizzazione di queste risorse genetiche nella costituzione di nuove varietà di frumento duro.

FilAgro – Innovative and sustainable strategies for the agri-food chain
Start date: 05/08/2013   End date: 31/10/2015

Regione Lombardia

Milano, Lodi
Diego Breviario

Project duration:
05/08/2013 - 31/10/2015
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Diego Breviario
Milano, Lodi

FilAgro – Innovative and sustainable strategies for the agri-food chain

The FILAGRO project aims to provide solutions to several issues that are emerging in the field of modern agriculture. They concern: production sustainability, biodiversity and environment preservation; improvement in food quality, safety and healthy and nutritional aspects; technology development in favor of industry; new knowledge dissemination. These issues are highlighted as of high importance in the EXPO 2015 and Horizon 2020 programs as well as in the 2013-2015 plan of the Agriculture Directorate of the Lombardy Region.

Start date: 20/07/2018   End date: 19/07/2022

Agenzia Veneta per l’innovazione nel settore primario

Flavia Pizzi

Project duration:
20/07/2018 - 19/07/2022
Financing body:
Agenzia Veneta per l’innovazione nel settore primario
Project research leader:
Flavia Pizzi


Collection, evaluation and conservation of genetic material of the Burlina cattle breed as a back-up in the medium and long period in the event of extinction of the breed or the onset of genetic problems in the breed (loss of genetic lines, excessive inbreeding, etc.). The preserved genetic material consists mainly of semen cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen and blood for future DNA extractions.

ASSONAPA - Creation of the criobank of local Italian sheep and goat breeds
Start date: 30/05/2018   End date: 29/05/2020

Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia (ASSONAPA)

Flavia Pizzi

Project duration:
30/05/2018 - 29/05/2020
Financing body:
Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia (ASSONAPA)
Project research leader:
Flavia Pizzi

ASSONAPA - Creation of the criobank of local Italian sheep and goat breeds

The aim of the project was the management of the genetic variability of the local Italian sheep and goat breeds through the choice of donors to be stored in the Cryobank and therefore the collection and conservation of their genetic material. For this purpose, the donors of genetic material to be stored in the Criobank have been identified in the Massese sheep, Langhe sheep, Gentile sheep of Puglia, Garganica goat and Nicastrese goat breeds. The seminal material was then collected using reproductive biotechnologies, such as the extraction of epididymal spermatozoa procedures, that had previously been developed in the IBBA laboratories in Lodi. The material collected in the project can be distributed to breeders for the insemination of the females for proper management of the genetic variability of their herds and more generally of the whole breed.

ANAFI - Analysis of genetic variability and haplotype at protein milks loci aimed at protecting biodiversity and producing diversified milks
Start date: 06/12/2017   End date: 05/12/2019

Associazione Nazionale Allevatori di bovini della razza Frisona Italiana (ANAFI)

Lodi   Website

Paola Cremonesi

Project duration:
06/12/2017 - 05/12/2019
Financing body:
Associazione Nazionale Allevatori di bovini della razza Frisona Italiana (ANAFI)
Project research leader:
Paola Cremonesi
Project website:

ANAFI - Analysis of genetic variability and haplotype at protein milks loci aimed at protecting biodiversity and producing diversified milks

The objective of this project was to analyse how the frequencies of the main casein variants and haplotypes changed in the Italian Holstein breed, and the possible effects on milk technological properties (milks more suitable for dairy processing, with potential greater digestibility). The results obtained by the genotyping (Illumina beadchip) of all the historical data available (over 220,000 Italian Holstein Friesian individuals and over 600 Italian Jersey individuals) were analysed in order to verify how the allele frequencies to the casein genes have been changing in recent years. The results indicate that the increase of the B allele, favourable for cheese-making, and the decrease of the unfavourable E allele at the k-casein are compensating the increase of the A 2 allele at the β-casein, generally maintaining a good proportion of haplotypes associated with good cheese-making properties.

BRIDGES - Building Reflexivity and response-ability Involving Different narratives of knowledGE and Science
Start date: 15/06/2021   End date: 14/06/2024

Fondazione CARIPLO

Lodi   Website

Flavia Pizzi

Project duration:
15/06/2021 - 14/06/2024
Financing body:
Fondazione CARIPLO
Project research leader:
Flavia Pizzi
Project website:

BRIDGES - Building Reflexivity and response-ability Involving Different narratives of knowledGE and Science

The complexity of the current global socio-ecological crisis highlights the limits of specialist science as the only voice capable of informing decisions. In the contemporary scenario, where the facts are uncertain, the values in contrast and the stakes are high, the social contract between science, society and politics is in a phase of profound transformation. To face this change, the scientific community has to revisit its social role, creating new relationships not only with society but also with ecological systems, to generate responsible research practices capable of producing relevant knowledge. BRIDGES is a social research project that develops trans-disciplinary and participatory research methods to strengthen the relationship between science, society and ecological systems in the Italian context. To do this, it uses as a case study a specific complex socio-ecological issue, very relevant in Italy: soil fertility.

BIODIVAL - Biodiversità in Lombardia: Ampliamento della Banca delle Risorse Genetiche Animali Lombarde, LABank 2.0
Start date: 11/06/2021   End date: 10/12/2023

Regione Lombardia

Flavia Pizzi

Project duration:
11/06/2021 - 10/12/2023
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Flavia Pizzi

BIODIVAL - Biodiversità in Lombardia: Ampliamento della Banca delle Risorse Genetiche Animali Lombarde, LABank 2.0

The focus of the project is the conservation and enhancement of a still little known Lombard biodiversity, which risks being lost even before being studied. The project has the following three objectives:

1) expansion of the Lombard Genetic Resources Bank – LABank – launched in 2008, with the addition of new breeds and with the increase of the genetic material of those already present. At the end of the project, LABank 2.0 will be created as a result of the expansion of LABank;

2) creation of the second LABank 2.0 site, to minimize the risk associated with any “catastrophic” events, in accordance with the “FAO Guidelines” (Cryoconservation of animal genetic resources. Animal Production and Health Guidelines No. 12. Complete Book. FAO, Rome p. 222., 2012), with the Piano Nazionale per la Biodiversità di interesse Agricolo (PNBA), emanato dal Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali e approvato il 14 Febbraio 2008;

3) to develop tools for easy management and enhancement of their breeds, as an important part of the Lombard indigenous animal biodiversity, also in order to preserve and enhance the agro-ecosystems linked to them.

Start date: 15/10/2021   End date: 15/02/2024


Milano, Lodi, Pisa, Roma
Flavia Pizzi, Aldo Ceriotti

Project duration:
15/10/2021 - 15/02/2024
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Flavia Pizzi, Aldo Ceriotti
Milano, Lodi, Pisa, Roma


The project is organized in 3 main activities:

1) Implementation and updating of the BioGenRes network of biobanks, with a focus on nationally/internationally recognized collections of animal, plant or microorganism species samples (animal and plant germplasm banks, microbial strain libraries of pathogenic/toxigenic organisms, nematodes, soil and water microflora and microorganisms used in agro-industry and food (e.g. microbial starters for fermentations)).

2) Replication (rejuvenation) and expansion of material stored in collections. For plant and microbial collections: multiplication of accessions for which a small amount of material is available and rejuvenation of accessions whose seed viability data are below the expected standards (> 85%). For animal collections of zootechnical interest: collection and freezing of genetic material of local breeds to complete sampling carried out in previous projects or expansion of the number of species and breeds stored in cryobanks.

3) Biochemical, molecular, metabolic, functional and phenotypic characterization of the material conserved in the biobanks of the BioGenRes network, also in order to carry out association studies and to identify markers associated with traits linked to production and/or adaptation to biotic and abiotic stress factors.

ANACLI I-BEEF 2 Italian Biodiversity Environment Efficiency and Fitness 2
Start date: 02/01/2022   End date: 01/06/2024


Milano, Lodi   Website

Stefano Biffani

Project duration:
02/01/2022 - 01/06/2024
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Stefano Biffani
Milano, Lodi
Project website:

ANACLI I-BEEF 2 Italian Biodiversity Environment Efficiency and Fitness 2

The I-BEEF project aims not only to improve the breeding plan of the Italian Limousine and Charolaise breeds by adapting it to the new sustainability and environmental selection criteria, but also to speed up the genomic characterization of 6 autochthonous beef genetic types (TGA), namely: Calvana, Mucca Pisana, Pontremolese, Sarda, Sardo Bruna, Sardo Modicana. The main objectives are biodiversity conservation and inbreeding control

ASSONAPA SHEEP&GOAT - Sustainability Health Environment Economy Profitability & Genomic Organisation Animal (pheno)Typing
Start date: 02/01/2022   End date: 01/06/2024


Milano, Lodi   Website

Stefano Biffani

Project duration:
02/01/2022 - 01/06/2024
Financing body:
Project research leader:
Stefano Biffani
Milano, Lodi
Project website:

ASSONAPA SHEEP&GOAT - Sustainability Health Environment Economy Profitability & Genomic Organisation Animal (pheno)Typing

The SHEEP&GOAT project aims to introduce a series of actions related to the collection and use of phenotypic and molecular data in the Italian sheep and goat farming industry, with the goal of making the breeding sustainable and competitive, and contributing to the preservation and management of its rich biodiversity.


MITICAL - Improvement of the cultivation and production of industrial hemp in Lombardy through innovative cultivation techniques
Start date: 01/07/2020   End date: 30/12/2023

Regione Lombardia

Milano, Lodi, Roma
Monica Mattana

Project duration:
01/07/2020 - 30/12/2023
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Monica Mattana
Milano, Lodi, Roma

MITICAL - Improvement of the cultivation and production of industrial hemp in Lombardy through innovative cultivation techniques

The MITICAL project aims to deepen knowlege on industrial hemp culture, focusing on the final use of two main products: seeds and flowers. The project will be based on the following activities:

  • analysis of 4 hemp varieties, two monoecius and two dioecious, cultivated in two different pedoclimaticzones in Lombardy region,
  • evaluation of the agronomic performances after different growing condition: control, biostimulant treatment, elicitor treatment,
  • seeds:evaluation of nutritional quality by measuring protein and oil content, fatty acid profile and antinutritional compound content,
  • flowers: evaluation of secondary metabolites content (CBD, THC,) and other polyphenols,
  • study of transcriptome: correlation analysis between gene expression and phenotype/metabolite, identification of allelic polymorphism (SNP) and coexpression network,
  • metagenomic analysis of soil: characterization of fungi, bacteria, metazoa, before and after hemp cultivation.

The project will be hold with the collaboration of agrofarms belonging to the two lombard agriculture districts and the results obtained on seeds will be viable for feed and food industries whereas those on flowers for pharma and cosmetic sector.

sPATIALS3 - Improvement of agrifood productions and innovative technologies for a safer and more secure and sustainable nutrition
Start date: 01/02/2020   End date: 31/10/2022

Regione Lombardia

Milano, Lodi   Website

Francesca Sparvoli

Project duration:
01/02/2020 - 31/10/2022
Financing body:
Regione Lombardia
Project research leader:
Francesca Sparvoli
Milano, Lodi
Project website:

sPATIALS3 - Improvement of agrifood productions and innovative technologies for a safer and more secure and sustainable nutrition

sPATIALS3 is a technological and research hub involving 12 CNR Institutes belonging to 4 different Departments and 4 companies. Main objectives will be: obtainment of innovative food products improved for their nutritional and functional properties; provision and implementation of precision technologies to guarantee products quality, safety and traceability; development of innovative and eco-sustainable smart– and active-packaging to minimize and reuse wastes, where possible, and to increase food preservability; provision to consumers and producers of tools for results exploitation.


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